Law master class at the XII International PR-festival
Natalia Ivanitskaya: «In the process of protecting goodwill there can be three case scenarios – pessimistic, realistic and optimistic. And all they need to be taken into account».
Fedor Vozianov at the XII International PR-festival: «Brand starts with love»
Fedor Vozianov – one of the brightest and most talented national clothing designers. He has been in the fashion industry since 1998, although started to take part at the UFW just a few years ago. At the same time in Europe, his name, like his work, has been well known for a long time.
Panel discussion «Visual communication in a world where people unwilling to read»
«Infographics allows people to manage their time». In the XXI century there is more and more information but less time to perceive it. Traditional media and internet solves this problem by replacing the usual text format with graphic language of objects and symbols.
Panel discussion «Ukrainian journalism: professionalism, social responsibility, censorship/self-censorship?»
In the first section debate on «Ukrainian journalism professionalism, social responsibility, censorship/self-censorship?» representatives of all the main areas of the mass media took part: traditional television, Internet TV, Internet information portal, news agency.