
Retrospective of the XII International PR-festival: «Designing the Future»


The second day of the XII International PR-festival, as we know, was devoted entirely to the theme of politics. To be precise, to the analysis of the main socio-political aspects of the crisis in the Ukrainian society and the ways going out of it.

Retrospective of the XII International PR-Festival: Panel Discussion «IR à la Ukrainian»


Downturn of the Ukrainian economy, which intensively gaining revs, forces to reflect not only on the immediate problems, but also the prospects of further development of the situation. Including how political and economic instability may affect the investment attractiveness of the country as a whole and individual business in particular.

Krzysztof Zanussi: «We need to learn to recognize our mistakes. Only by recognizing them, you get the opportunity to go forward»


One of the most awaited guests of the International PR-Festival of 2014 was the famous Polish film director and social activist Krzysztof Zanussi. Despite the fact that Mr. Zanussi’s speech was delivered distantly and not «alive», even such kind of participation helped to create a special creative atmosphere at the forum.

Panel discussion «Corporate PR in turbulent business environment»: communication and once again communication!


Considering the difficult socio-political and economic situation in the country, the organizers of the XII International PR-festival could not ignore the topic of corporate PR in turbulent business environment. In a panel discussion devoted to it participated Directors of Public Relations and Communications.