New TV Formats: Reality and Prospects Panel discussion «Internet TV – does the life exist out of Maidan?»
During Euromaidan all Ukrainian media has been covering the current events at the «forefront of the revolution.» However, only some were fully in accordance with the ethics of journalism, had managed to fulfil the informational mission, refraining from promotion and imposition of personal opinion to the watching and reading audience. Among such responsible information sources appeared to be, oddly enough, the Internet media, and in particular, Internet TV, which gained high ratings among all target audiences. Amid this success, however, the question remains open whether there are real prospects for Internet TV channels outside of some large-scale social and other disasters. I.e. in peacetime. Participants talked about within the XII the International PR-Festival final program block «Internet TV: does the life exists out Maidan?». To discuss were invited a chief editor of Espresso.TV Vadim Denisenko, a general producer of TC 112 Alexei Semenov (Ukraine) and Natalia Sindeeva, founder of the popular TC «Rain» (Russia). Panel was moderated by Vice-President of the Ukrainian PR-League Elena Derevianko.
Presenting participants. Elena immediately moved to the main question about the future of Internet TV channels, addressing it for the start to the Ukrainian «team». Vadim Denisenko was first to comment the situation. He stressed that Espresso.TV itself got to the category of Internet TV channels rather unwillingly. Since initially it was perceived as opposition channel, and forced to work without a license. Moreover, as noted Denisenko, with the comming of the new government the situation has not changed, although there have been some advances in the form of the possibility of entering into some cable networks. About the prospects for the development of Internet television in Ukraine Denisenko was quite optimistic.
«In terms of whether there is Internet TV out of Maidan – yes, it exists – he said. – From the first day – and it happened so that we started broadcasting on the day of the Vienna summit – we expected that after the summit and gradual schizophrenia, which will follow, we suppose to increase the amount as soft opposition channel. Then came the revolution, and we were forced to regroup on the march to what is happening because, frankly, were not ready absolutely. Our result is explained by the fact that we were among the few who managed to quickly restructure – both in television and online. As for television, I can say that now we have entered a peaceful course. I.e. in principle from the very beginning we had some range of analytical programs. And we saw ourselves solely as an information channel. Now we are preparing a new net, which will be launching in May. Focus on what we have – asmall channel that is not going to spend large sums on talk shows and so on. We will air short analytic and information slots, 30 minutes average in the evening prime time, and 15 minutes news – inthe morning. This is our concept for the near future.»
Developing the theme of the prospects of Internet TV, a guest from Russia Natalia Sindeeva started, as she put it, from afar – with stories of TC «Rain». It turned out that its creators, as in the case with Espresso.TV didn’t initially rely on Internet TV. First, because of the low income, and as a consequence, the weak «survival». «I do not know about Ukraine, probably even worse than in Russia – inthe sense that Internet TV can’t be a business, – she said. Considering understanding the business that makes money from advertising, subscribers and so on. Initially, we built the cable channel, which was supposed to be a business. But due to various circumstances had to explore this environment (Internet) and how it is comfortable and promising. And in fact were the first Internet TV. It did not give us anything from a business perspective, though gave much in terms of loyalty and interactive audience spread to where we were out of reach. When we came in cable networks, the project began to turn into a business, and this alone has enabled us to live and exist.» Natalia Sindeeva also shared experience of surviving television online without any financial support from outside: «When we realized that we remain in the Internet, we also understand that there is not enough money and advertising, and the only model that is possible with this – ourviewers, our subscribers who either have to buy a subscription or otherwise have to co-finance us. And we recently have had this experience – afirst for Russia a great experience when we were collecting money in Google, in fact, for our life.»
In concluding her presentation, Natalia Sindeeva noticed that without financial support success of Internet TV, with all its advantages, can be questioned. «My strong belief is that, unfortunately, the Internet television without additional funding can’t live today. And there were a lot of examples in Russia – such channels that tried to do something in the Internet, they all die simply because there is no money.» But she did not finish at a minor note, stressing that the future of television or its analogs, still is online. «If we talk about tomorrow, I'm sure that the word «channel»will disappear. There is a product, a brand, a content that you produce, and it is delivered to the consumer in any way. Or, for example, Smart TV – the future belongs to it, too. According to statistics update of TVs occurs every five years, i.e. very soon majority of TVs will have Smart TV function. This means Internet connection and zero restrictions on technical presence. In this sense, one might think that the future for sure is in the network.»
Before you answer the key question of the panel about life outside Euromaidan for Internet TV channels, Alexei Semenov addressed the topic on objective presenting of information by TV channels. Noting that objectivism in this case is more winning position for the media than any other options. As an example he cited the channel 112, which at the time managed to gain the trust of Euromaidan among supporters of the revolution, as well as of its opponents. «Personal preferences never prevent us from finding a balance, knowing that we air only the most accurate, reliable information, which should the television watcher have,» – said Semyonov. – We show one side, and another. A reasonable viewer can draw conclusions from what he has seen. At such a balance we have our being today.»
Returning to the topic of discussion, Alexei Semenov told about how TC 112 was launched, focusing on its current benchmarks. «We launched a very interesting story when stringers, which are in different cities of Ukraine, go on air at the same time. Such interactive commentaries on what is happening across the country, how this or that event is perceived in the regions, allow the viewer to get a more holistic, and most importantly the real picture of what is happening.»
Another hot topic that was discussed in the framework of the panel, was the theme of the future of streams. According to Vadim Denisenko, an interest in the direct video reports was increasingly driven by some kind of global events. In other situations, the popularity of the streams will be insignificant. Other two panelists strongly disagreed with this view point.
Alexei Semenov, «I believe that the stream – isthe most interesting at the moment. Because they give the viewer the opportunity to get clean information without impurities. Stream will exist regardless of whether there are any actions or not. I think that the future holds for the stream in general, because the audience does not want to watch assembled, edited video, he prefers to be a participant in the events and draw their own conclusions. As a result, all national TV channels of Ukraine, due to the fact that the viewer has shifted to the channels as Espresso.TV, Channel 5, Gromadske.TV, 112 were forced to use the same formats, but to switch on, for example, using Skype or something. Become irrelevant MTS and other expensive devices. Because there is nothing more interesting as a journalist who with iPads can cut into the thick of events and broadcast directly from there.»
Natalia Sindeeva: «We were the first in Russia who started it all to do. And I think the future belongs to it. And the fact that this technology is winning, evidenced by the fact that even the federal channels that used to spit and told us«how you can give such a picture on the air, it's falling apart, etc.», now have started to actively use it».
The final question of the moderator in the debate was addressed Alexei Semenov and concerned project, whose initiator at one time was channel 112. Alexei told how the project develops and what has already been achieved and what is still planned.
Block was closed by traditional blitz, during which the participants of panel responded to questions of the audience. The conversation revolved mainly around the criteria of television product’s quality. And, in particular, around the professionalism of media persons.