

Our Festival is for people, who seek:

  • To understand which PR-instruments and PR-technologies are the most effective nowadays;
  • To work successfully in his/her specialty preserving current working place given «the falling job market»;
  • To improve his/her career prospects despite the difficulties of the war time;
  • To save psychological health and clear mind in the world, that had irretrievably changed.

Timinge  Activities Speakers
09.30-10.00 Registration
10.00-10.10 Welcome speech of the Organizing Committee Authority of the Ukrainian PR-League
10.10-10.35 Keynote. A Story of mediasuccess Boryslav Bereza, Member of Parliament of Ukraine
10.35-10.45 Keynote. New communicational reality Elena Derevianko, Vice-President of Ukrainian PR-League, Partner of PR-Service Agency
10.45-11.05 PR experience of a leading company: effective PR decisions and useful KPI Eugene Zagorulko, Head of PR-service of Smart Holding
11.05-11.40 Harmful advice on Media Relations: how to spoil your media relations for sure

Nina Mishchenko, Editor-in-chief at «Association of retailers of Ukraine» web portal, former Deputy Editor-in-chief at Forbes Ukraine

Dariya Isakova, Editor at Forbes Ukraine, Editor-in-chief at Forbes Woman

11.40-11.55 Coffee break
11.55-12.15 Fundamental function of business in war time

Natalia Yemchenko, Director of Public Relations and Communications of SKM Group


Conflict PR – a feature of the time

Zakhar Chistiakov, Managing Partner of the Agency of Conflict PR – /PR and Z/ (skype-translation)

12.35-12.55 Truth about the war and war-time communications: View of media Dmitriy Filimonov, Journalist «17 channel», founder of Kyiv-Donbass-Tass (skype-translation)
12.55-13.55 Break for lunch
13.55-14.40 Corporate Social Responsibility in war time: what to do and how to describe it

Svitlana Lyubchenko, external communications manager at Platinum Bank

Maryna Hrytsenko, CSR manager at Platinum Bank

Olena Shramko, Editor-in-Chief at, «Hvardia CSR» project coordinator (2012-2014)


How to promote a positive image of Ukraine: fashion case

Kazbek Bektursunov, Head of International LMG group of companies

Daria Shapovalova, Founder and Creative Director of International Fashion Week Mercedes-Benz Kiev Fashion Days 


Internal communications: how to preserve your staff's efficiency during times of war and uncertainty

Elena Plakhova, Director for Corporate Communications in CORUM Group

15.50-16.10 Through «the silver screen»: skills of video content creation and on-camera behaviour Semen Sluchevsky, Executive producer, editor of culture programs at TV «Glas»
16.10-16.30 Self-promo for PR-specialist Viktoriya Yesaulenko, Marketing Director of «Asters» Law Firm
16.30-16.45 Coffee break

Job market for PR specialists 

(Panel discussion)

Olha London, Managing Partner of I-Co Group, coach consultant, facilitator

Ihor Kabuzenko, Head of Representative Office in Ukraine of Ward Howell

Yevheniya Ruzhentseva, Business Development Director of Publishing House «Law Practice»

Elena Arkhipova, Manager of «Coach Bureau – Personal Development» project 

Yevhen Smiyukha, Partner and Executive Director at Law Firm «Dynasty»

Olga Stepovik-Shiman, Business Development Director for Law Firm «Dynasty»

Moderator: Elena Derevianko, Vice-President of Ukrainian PR-League, Partner of PR-Service Agency

18.00-18.20 Brand Journalism. Special Projects Irina Serdyuk, Commercial director of the weekly «Business»
18.20-18.40 Die or save: Informal communications in the banking market in times of crisis Nataliya Kononenko, Managing Partner in group of companies NOKs fishes
18.40 Presentation of Reputation Rating

Awards ceremony of the winners of Reputation Rating

Glass of Champagne