Kurilchuk Yury
Designer infografer in LLC «Vesti Mass Media» Engaged in data visualization for the newspaper «Vesti».
Kushniruk Boris
He worked as head of the Commercial Bank, was the leader of a group of advisers to the President of the Association of Ukrainian Banks, consultant for the banking sector Coordinating Council for Financial Sector Policy of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Levenshtein Igor
Well-known journalist and blogger, one of the leading sports journalists of Ukraine. Worked in the publications «Newspaper in Kiev», «Kommersant», «Economic News», Kyiv Weekly, was the chief editor of the site «Free press» Hall of Famer Ukrainian sports journalism.
Lichman Anna
A journalist by training. Has an extensive experience in the field of PR. Best PR-specialist of industry according to the magazine «Proretail». The last seven years has served as the head of service of public relations corporation «ATB».