Kopatko Evgeny
Sociologist, Director of Research and Branding Group. Many years render sociological services for Party of Regions, among customers including the SKM company of Rinat Akhmetov. Earlier – the director of Donetsk information and analysis center.
Korolko Valentin
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Political Science. Head of the department of public relations, psychology and pedagogy of the National University «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy».
Kovalenko Georgy
Chairman of the Synodal Information Department of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (since 2008), the press secretary of Primate (since 2008).
Kudinenko Olga
Graduated from the National University of «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy» majoring in «finance». Worked as the PR manager in the ESTA Holding company, the Victor Pinchuk Foundation. Since 2011works as volunteer of the Kiev Children's Center of haemato-oncology «Okhmatdet».