
Ivanitskaya Natalia

Lawyer. Attorney

Senior lawyer of Arzinger association. PhD in law. Has extensive experience in representing individuals and legal entities in the courts of administrative, economic and general jurisdiction. Participated in a number of high-profile cases on protection of the rights of foreign investors.

Josseliani Shota

Marketing and PR Director, channel TVi

Educated in the United States (middle school) and the Netherlands (BBA) in «Marketing Management». Worked in marketing and brand management, B2B development and management of loyalty, both abroad and in Ukraine.

Karasev Vadim

Political scientist and politician, director of the Institute of Global Strategies. One of the leaders of the United Center

Taught at the university of the political economy and political science, was the first deputy director of the Kharkov branch of the National Institute for Strategic Studies. Since 2003 – director of the Institute of Global Strategies.

Kasyanenko Rostislav

Chief editor of «City DoZor»

Member of the jury of advertising festivals «Press Award», «Promo-Orange», «EVENTarizatsiya», «OMA Russia Awards», «Ukrainian Events Awards», the ambassador of the festival Golden Drum in Ukraine in 2001-2002.